The future of investing is impact investing. Yet it's very hard to find a singular source of information on this growing community. For too long, investors have been held back by a lack of information or roadblocks put up by their family and advisors. Until now....
Our goal at This Is The Future is to make it easy to convert your passion and curiosity for impact investing into action.
We level the playing field so you can find the tools needed to align your wealth with your worldview.
Tip: You'll find investment information on topics like climate change and inequality by browsing the Passions section, and tips about how to get started in impact investing in the --you guessed it-- Impact Investing section.
It's not easy to answer the question "how do you define impact?" -- that's why This Is The Future was created.
More and more of you are interested in impact investing. You also need a safe space to learn, connect, and act. This Is The Future was built to make it easy for you to find the information you need, meet others that can help you along the way, and discover solutions that put your passion into action.